Homeschoolers tend to think that there are actually 13 commandments, and that biology, chemistry, and physics are the extra three. It’s not true! You can branch out when you teach science! There is astronomy, geology, botany, robotics, astronomy, ornithology… you name it! Now probably colleges would like to see at least one of the standard sciences.
If your child wants to go into a scientific profession then biology, chemistry, and physics might be important. But for some kids, branching out is a better idea. That way you can teach them to LOVE science, and encourage the love of learning. You have a wide range of science choices, and it does not have to be biology first, then chemistry, and then physics.
Biology, chemistry and physics are all SO different that it’s possibly to hate two and LOVE just one. Your child may hate biology, that does not mean the same child hate chemistry. Chemistry has a lot to do with math because balancing chemical equations is similar to algebra. A child that likes or tolerates math may do very well with chemistry – and even enjoy it. Don’t shy away from biology just because your child couldn’t stand general science. Don’t avoid chemistry because biology was a horrible experience. Look at each science as a unique subject that’s completely different.
If you are stuck, look through the HomeTrainingTools website together.
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