AP classes are rigorous, college level courses taught in a year-long class to high school students. They tests can be taken by any high school student, even if you don’t take an AP class. You read that right; you don’t have to take an AP class to take the AP exam. The College Board says, “The AP Program encourages schools to assist homeschooled students and students whose schools do not offer AP courses and exams.”
Recent news articles highlight new ways of teaching with AP classes. Some teachers are using experiential, hands-on learning, instead of lectures, as they teach their AP classes. An independent homeschooler can provide the course content their child needs to learn the material, whether that means textbooks, projects, or anything else.
Less lecturing, more doing: New approach for A.P. classes
Some AP students study so much they have little free time, and get little sleep. A parents group and a university suggest that top students should cut back on the college-level classes. There are some homeschool students taking multiple AP exams who are so busy with those classes they can’t even complete the core subjects outside of those classes. Some top students feel pressure to take up to three AP classes a year, but that can really back-fire and cause serious burnout. Instead, teach your child in a way that preserves their love of learning, while keeping them college-ready and challenged.
Some parents, educators are rethinking role of AP
Check out this AP Classes and College Credits Infographic, and then preserve their love of learning, and make decisions based on what is best for your child.
The Rise of the AP Infographic Via Teach.com and USC Rossier Online
Any class you may want to list on your transcript as “Advanced Placement” or “AP” must be pre-approved by CollegeBoard.org. Using the AP designation without prior approval is illegal. HSLDA has a full write up about college-level testing. The independent homeschooler has a few options for AP classes… HSLDA has a list of places that offer AP classes online to home schoolers. Don’t want to take an online course? That’s okay, too. According to both CollegeBoard.org and Lee Binz, anyone can take an AP exam without having to be enrolled in or taking the corresponding AP class. The HomeScholar has links available in her recent blog article titled “AP Classes and College Credits Infographic.”