Junior year is a great time to take advantage of college application essays for practice. Use each of them as an English writing assignment. Have your child practice how to brainstorm and polish a technically perfect, self-reflective essay. But how do you go about finding college application essays?
Finding College Application Essays for Practice
Hi Lee – I’ve been perusing the sites of the schools my high school junior is interested in applying to, wanting to see what their essay questions are so he can begin writing them. But … they all have online applications that require an account. Any ideas for getting a hold of practice essays?”
You can visit any college and ask for an application packet on the spot. Also ask if they provide a fee-waiver of the application cost since you came to visit, because some do. Sometimes you can simply Google the college name along with “application” and bypass the login, getting directly to the application without an account. You can also attend a college fair and collect application essays from many colleges at once! Enjoy!
Are you having your Junior practice writing college application essays? Please share!
Please note: This post was originally published in November 2011 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Do you need help with College Application Essays? Learn how to help your student write a compelling story about themselves so colleges will listen through this online course.