The HomeScholar

Homeschooling High School: What SAT Score is Good Enough?

What score is good enough?  Without naming names, this is a typical question about  SAT scores.

Lee, what score on the SAT would you say is okay not to take it again? David got 570 in math and 540 in reading. He didn’t do well at all in the essay part. I think he should take them again and he kind of agrees but wants to see the detailed results to see what exactly he had problems with, which makes sense to me. I just wondered what your opinion was.

Let’s get real. It depends on the student.  Honestly.

Here is a general rule of thumb for the SAT.  For each section, 500 is average, 600 is good, 700 is great, and 800 is perfect. As a mom, I would probably try to have them get over 600. Good luck convincing the teen!

What score is good enough for YOUR teen?

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3 thoughts on “Homeschooling High School: What SAT Score is Good Enough?”

  1. Lee Binz

    The Princeton Review has excellent SAT prep resources. I know years ago they saved my hide when I didn’t do so hot on the PSAT. My SAT was much better thanks to them and a light jacket for the drafty ol’ cafeteria 🙂

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