When my boys were younger we spent our fair share of time with LEGO sets. I cannot believe all of the amazing resources for homeschooling with LEGO blocks that are available now! I would have loved to use these with my boys. I hope you can find something fun and different to do with your younger kids and bigger kids alike!
Homeschooling with LEGO resources:
LEGO: Free Lego Themed Story Writing Printables
How fun are these printable writing prompts that feature LEGO mini-figures? Whether your child enjoys writing or not, adding something unexpected like LEGO men is always a fun way to mix it up!
Creating Simple Machines With LEGO® Education
Building simple machines with LEGO blocks is a BRILLIANT way to expose children to engineering principles. Learning to build simple machines can appeal to so many different young minds, incorporating it into your homeschool is a great way to add delight to your curriculum.
LEGO printables for Preschoolers
Get your littles involved with this collection of great printables for using LEGO and DUPLO blocks to homeschool your preschooler.
LEGO Math for Elementary School
Incorporating LEGO into your math curriculum for your elementary school kids can be such a wonderful way to engage little minds.
Combine LEGO with other mediums to incorporate as many different learning styles as possible!
If you have a child who just loves LEGO blocks, this is a great opportunity to use Delight-Directed Learning to introduce other subjects. There are so many free resources available for homeschooling with LEGO, you can incorporate LEGO pieces into your math lesson, reading and writing, and so much more.