Happy Independence Day! We hope you had a fun (and safe!) independence celebration with your family. It’s time to enjoy the summer while doing a bit of planning for the homeschool year ahead. Here are some July homeschool calendar reminders to make the most of your free time!
Middle School: Encourage reading this summer. 7 Ways to Encourage Reading in Middle School
Freshmen: Visit your local library. Choose library books from my College Bound Reading List. College Bound Reading List.
Sophomores: Decide which high school test will be best for your child! Watch the instant replay of High School Testing Simply Explained.
Juniors: Update your transcript and course descriptions for the past year. Check out the Total Transcript Solution or Setting the Records Straight if you need help.
Seniors: Find out if you are ready for senior year to start with this 9 Question Check-Up for Planning Senior Year.