The HomeScholar

One Page Transcript


Try to keep your transcript to one page.  Key word: try.

Sometimes you get into junior year and you realize the page is already full, full, full!  You can make it as compact at possible – make margins narrower, perhaps make the font size 10.  But if your transcript is still a full page in junior year, let me tell you the good news.

1. Way too smart!

The first reason for a long transcript is when kids are over-achievers.  They take core classes and have lots of delight directed learning, so their passion becomes classes on a transcript.  For example, some kids just have a LOT of different musical or theater experiences every year of high school.

2. Two pages isn’t the worst thing that can happen

When you get to junior year and you’ve done everything you can do to keep it short, then give up.  Just assume it will go to two pages for senior year.  You do have to put senior year classes on the transcript, so it WILL go over one page.  Stop worrying!  Keep the font size 10. It simply has to be legible so people can read it.

3. Don’t Worry

Not to worry – my children had their senior year on a separate page as well.  It’s not the end of the world.

Bottom line:  yes, it’s nice to have the transcript on one single page.  But if you simply can’t do that, don’t worry about it too much!

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