The HomeScholar


Scholarship Tips for Poor Test Takers


When you are visiting and applying to colleges, try to convince the college that your child is a good investment for their scholarship donations. You do that by making sure their statistics look good in their view, and when future parents do online searches. You can improve your child’s statistics when you exceed each college’s GPA, SAT or ACT averages. There are also some non-test ways to exceed their expectations.

When applying to a college, you are trying to convince them that your child will:

  • Attend if admitted
  • Live on campus and get along with everyone
  • Stay at that college for all 4 years
  • Graduate on time
  • Get great grades
  • Get a good-paying job after college in the hopes they will donate to the college later because they love it so much.

For more ideas on looking awesome for scholarships without stellar test scores, you might like reading these articles.

I hope this is helpful! Your poor test taker CAN still get scholarships. You just need to know how to prepare them and know what colleges are looking for.

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