Month 4 Benefits
Personalized Coaching and Mentoring
Members Only On-Demand Monthly Webinar: Junior Year is the Key to High School Success
Register Here
Last Month’s Webinar: Scheduling is the Key to Sanity
View Here
All Gold Care Club members are entitled to priority email support using our special member’s-only email address. Here is the information you need:
Send emails Monday through Friday to [email protected]
Each member can get up to 20 minutes of coaching by email each week (time does not accumulate)
Toll Free Number: 1-888-533-2435
All Gold Care Club members are invited to join my exclusive HomeScholar Insider’s Club – a member’s-only Facebook group. As part of the Insider’s Club, you will receive community support as well as help from Lee and her staff. It’s a great place to ask you questions and help your fellow homeschoolers! Access the HomeScholar Insider’s Club here and request to join.
New Resources Baked Fresh Each Month
Ebook of the Month
Homeschool Curriculum that’s Effective and Fun! (PDF)
Schedule of the Month
School Day Schedule with Chores (Word) | Sample with Comments (PDF)
Course Description of the Month
Taken from the book, Setting the Records Straight
Chemistry (PDF)
Resource Pack of the Month – Graduate Your Homeschooler in Style
College Packing List (Article) | The End of Homeschooling: When Did My Baby Grow Up? (Article) | They Grow Up and Leave Home (Blog) | Teenagers: Choosing Your Battles (Blog) | The Perfect Launch Formula for Raising Happy Adults (Article) | 15 Point Senior Year Inspection Checklist (Article) | Gap Year: Time Off for Good Behavior (Article) | Options After High School (Article)
Convention Workshop of the Month
College Scholarships for High School Credit – Live Presentation (Recording with Handout)
The HomeScholar Library
Audio Archive | College Planning | Encouragement | High School Courses | High School Planning | Miscellaneous | Money and Scholarships | Record Keeping | Specialization | Special Situations | The HomeScholar Record Newsletters
Eight Steps to Get Your Transcript Done Fast
Step 1: Prioritize Your Transcript
Do nothing else until it’s done. Don’t do yard work, laundry, or even wash dishes. Order pizza for dinner until it’s done. The pizza-only diet and ordering-out expense can be VERY motivating!
Step 2: Get a Quick Overview
Making a Transcript Webinar | Course Handout | Transcript by Subject (PDF)
Step 3: Print Tools for Your Rough Draft
Transcript Template (Word Doc) | Planning Guide (Word Doc)
Step 4: Create Your Rough Draft
The One Hour Transcript Workshop | The One Hour Transcript Q&A – Optional (Audio Download)
Step 5: Type Your Transcript
Transcript Template (Word Doc)
Step 6: Edit (if time allows)
If you have time, you can work on the nuances of your grades later, but this is a great start. You will feel much better when you see it in print. But you can send me your transcript when you are finished and then call me to talk about it next Wednesday.
Step 7: Submit Your Transcript
Give the transcript to the people who need it. Find out if they have any specific requirements. They may want it notarized (which may be free at the library or at your bank.) They may want it sealed in an envelope or signed by the principal (you!) so you want to make sure to read any details about how it is to be submitted.
Step 8: Take a deep breath….in…and out….You’re done!!
After you get it mailed off, please write me a note to let me know how this worked for you!